Ez and the boys left this afternoon for the annual father/son campout. They were loaded up with dinner and snacks and lots of drinks, the tent, sleeping bags, and of course the battery charged air mattress (because we are all about roughing it).
David and Joe were so excited to go and play and be dirty and have fun with dad. Ez took a camera with him, and hopefully will come home tomorrow with a few fun photos. Can't wait to hear all about it!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Father/Son Campout
Posted by Keri at 12:44 AM 3 comments
Stroller Love
Evie loves strollers. If they get in the house, she wants to be in it all the time and then it ends up staying open and in the way until I finally remember to fold it up and put it back in the van while she is asleep.
What can you do in a stroller that is so fascinating, you might ask? Why you simply hang out. The other day at the library Evie picked her own book out and carries it around everywhere. She loves to just sit and look at it and "read" it. She does a lot of reading in the stroller.
The cup holder is also a very handy place to put your snacks, so when you need something, you just stand up, get it, and sit back down. The featured snack is currently dry roasted almonds.
Immersed in her reading
A quick snack break (the sticker and band aid are purely fashion statements). Notice she's still got that book in her hand!
Posted by Keri at 12:32 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
A fun trip
The kids and I headed out to Woodland on Thursday evening to see friends I haven't seen in years. Literally. I haven't seen these families (outside of Christmas cards and blogs) for 8 to 10 years. When I heard about their kid's music group doing a little performance, I decided it was time to take a drive and say hello.
When we first got to Woodland, we stopped at Sonic (YUM) because it is the closest one around and it's still about 30 minutes away, so it is a huge treat for us! We grabbed dessert there and then headed to a playground to run and play and burn some energy. Afterward we headed over to the Stake Center and watched Plaid Suitcases perform. They are a talented group of kids who sang and performed really well.
It was great to be back in Woodland and say hello to people we haven't seen in forever. Ez and I actually moved to Woodland when Alexis was only 3 weeks old. Ez didn't get to come with us, although he wishes he could have, but Thursdays are his busiest day at work! We'll just have to head back out and say hello again sometime soon! Alexis and Evie
Never too old to have a bit of fun!
David and Evie
The slide was too fast for Joe, so he used his hands to slow it down
Posted by Keri at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Fair Trade?
Alexis wanted to sit under a blanket that was sitting on the couch. Evie, in all of her nearly-two-ness, did NOT want to allow it to happen. As a "fair" trade, Alexis got to sit under the blanket for letting Evie play for a little bit with Alexis's DS.
Posted by Keri at 11:29 PM 0 comments
A dress for you...
Just another funny Evie clothing story.
A little while back I got 2 really cute dresses for Lily. Evie has fallen in love with them. Honestly. She will find them in the clean clothes pile and take them away from Lily. She wears them all around the house and has a huge (not joking) tantrum when I allow Lily to wear one.
I kept saying I needed to go back to Carter's (where I got them) and just pick them up in Evie's size, but haven't gotten back there. While at Costco the other day, we saw one of the coveted dresses (yet another reason to love Costco). It was even $3 cheaper than at Carter's, so we picked it up! Evie put it on right away and wore it through the store. She is one happy girl now! We'll just have to see if she still claims Lily's too.
Posted by Keri at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Getting their groove on!
When Joe gets into listening to a song, it is rather funny. He pulls out is air guitar! I tried to grab a few photos before he really noticed me, but didn't quite make it. These are a bit more "rehearsed", but sill fun. David decided to join the fun as well.
Posted by Keri at 11:12 PM 0 comments
A GIANTs Experience
A friend of ours occasionally gets tickets to see the Giants play, but he doesn't like baseball. He has been nice enough to give them to us a couple of times. We get 4 tickets--not quite enough for the entire family to go, but enough for a fun date night with Dad (on a school night--ooh!).
Ez took David, Lily, and Joe to see the Giants play the Washington Nationals on Tuesday. This was Lily and Joe's first time there. Alexis was glad to miss out and have an evening with mom and Evie.
I gave Ez the camera, but he forgot to bring it in to the stadium, so there are no pictures, but the kids had a blast. They enjoyed cotton candy, the famous garlic fries, and other fun goodies. David enjoyed watching the game with Ez, Joe and Lily mostly enjoyed the treats and just spending time with dad. They had a great night out!
Alexis, Evie, and Mom laid low--we ran to the bank, ran to Michael's, and then to Baskin Robbins $1 scoop night, where Alexis and mom both stuffed themselves with more ice cream than they normally eat! Evie enjoyed a lovely soft serve and gobbled up every last drop.
It was a fun, fun night for all!
Posted by Keri at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
If you give this mom a thought...
Joe and I have been reading the Laura Numeroff books that we have in our house. You know the ones--If you give a Pig a Pancake, If you Give a Mouse a Cookie, If you Give a Moose a Muffin, to name a few.
They are fantastic stories about these cute animals getting one random and cute idea one after the other until they come full circle back to their original moment of random and funny ideas.
As I have read these books, I have realized that my life these days is very much like one of these stories. My mind constantly seems to jump from one need or chore or idea to something completely unrelated just moments later. I keep coming up with these grand ideas of things to do, things I want to learn, ways to approach things...and suddenly I find myself these days with too many ideas and not enough strategy on how to get it all done! I have to stop coming up with all my clever little plans and thoughts and ideas...they are leading nowhere!
Perhaps soon I will stop trying to start so many projects and just begin to focus! Perhaps then I might get those sewing projects done, or get those photos organized, or try those new recipies, or read those books that are stacking up because I keep reserving things at the library! The list goes on.....it's time to make some progress, I think!
Posted by Keri at 10:09 PM 2 comments
Surprise food
David stayed at Grandma Jane's last weekend. While there, he helped her make tamales, and they brought some back to our house. On Monday morning David was having one for breakfast and let Joe have a bit. Joe loved it and wanted more, so I got one out of the fridge and heated it up. I brought it over to the table and started to open up the corn husk and empty the contents onto Joe's plate when he looked at it and said "Wait, that's what I'm eating?" It was hilarious to see his eyes pop open and become momentarily horrified. Luckily he remembered how much he had liked it and decided to not be grossed out, but to enjoy good food.
Posted by Keri at 10:01 PM 0 comments
A new talent
Lily recently impressed us with her newly discovered talent. Not sure where or how she learned it, but it is funny to watch her do it!
Posted by Keri at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Duke's new 'do
Duke got his hair cut for the summer the other day. We sure do love it when he is all trimmed and cleaned up! I am sure he is more comfortable too!
It's funny--he must know he looks good, because he sure is fishing around for more attention and love lately! Of course, I am much more likely to give it now too! He feels and looks so handsome.
Posted by Keri at 9:55 PM 2 comments
No Swine, just Flu (sort of)
We've had a small bug visit the family, mostly, Evelyn, this past week or so.
Evie got sick last Thursday late in the night, and she and I got little sleep because of it. She was exhausted and completely lethargic all Friday, and actually slept about 80% of the day. She started feeling better on Saturday, but it has taken her a few days to really get back to her normal little self.
Finally resting peacefully
This photo just makes me laugh--completely exhausted and really not feeling well!
On Monday I sent all the kids to school, everyone was fine and happy. An hour and a half later, the school nurse called. The teacher had sent Lily to the nurse due to a "persistent, dry cough" and the complaint of a belly ache. So, I had to bring her home. It must have been that we have healing within the walls of our home, because Lily sure seemed okay once she got home! In fact, I didn't hear one cough unless I mentioned it (almost like the word itself was an infectous trigger). I understand the school's need to cautious, but can't they tell a fake cough when they hear one?
Anyway, now David is complaining of a sore throat, but it seems to feel okay once we offer to keep him home from school and from his get together at his friend's house tomorrow!
Posted by Keri at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Independence and Personality
Evie is about 22 months now, and has recently hit that "stubborn and wanting independence" stage. She throws some rather funny tantrums and can give quite the evil eye. Must be all the experience she gets watching her older siblings!
The funniest (mostly) thing that will set her off is having to get dressed. She has become very funny and particular about what she wears and when. Getting dressed can become quite a challenge. She will take off clothes she doesn't want to wear, if you can get her in them at all. Evie is actually getting pretty good at putting on her own shirts and has the basic idea of the pants. Her very favorite attire is 2 little play dresses of Lily's, that look like moo moos on Evie!
At this point, I am simply glad that I have had 4 kids already go through this age, because I am enjoying all the quirkiness a little more with each one!
Evie's personal outfit choice--a skirt, inside out, as a dress
Don't even think of chatting with her while she is in the middle of a conversation!
Posted by Keri at 9:05 PM 0 comments