Thursday, May 7, 2009

No Swine, just Flu (sort of)

We've had a small bug visit the family, mostly, Evelyn, this past week or so.

Evie got sick last Thursday late in the night, and she and I got little sleep because of it. She was exhausted and completely lethargic all Friday, and actually slept about 80% of the day. She started feeling better on Saturday, but it has taken her a few days to really get back to her normal little self.

Finally resting peacefully

This photo just makes me laugh--completely exhausted and really not feeling well!

On Monday I sent all the kids to school, everyone was fine and happy. An hour and a half later, the school nurse called. The teacher had sent Lily to the nurse due to a "persistent, dry cough" and the complaint of a belly ache. So, I had to bring her home. It must have been that we have healing within the walls of our home, because Lily sure seemed okay once she got home! In fact, I didn't hear one cough unless I mentioned it (almost like the word itself was an infectous trigger). I understand the school's need to cautious, but can't they tell a fake cough when they hear one?

Anyway, now David is complaining of a sore throat, but it seems to feel okay once we offer to keep him home from school and from his get together at his friend's house tomorrow!