Saturday, February 27, 2010


It is obvious to all parents dropping their kids off at school when it is time for Egyptian projects to be due for the sixth graders. There are kids in costumes or holding large projects everywhere!

Alexis being in sixth grade means that this was our year to participate. Prior to Christmas she drew her topic out of the "bag", and ended up with the assignment to do her report and 3D model on the Luxor Temple Complex. Of course, out of all the choices there were to be had, my guess is that one is the largest structure. The Complex is so big! We had to set our creative minds to building a good yet inexpensive model....

Ez helped Alexis finalize her report in the form of a very cool Power Point. Mom helped with the model, which we finally decided would best be built with straws! It was a lot of work, but we had a good time. Alexis was really proud of her creation and was excited that she got to display it in the school library for a while. Projects were due the day the kids came back from vacation at the start of January.

A few weeks later Alexis had Egyptian day, where the kids get dressed up in costume and spend the day learning and doing projects and such about Egpyt. Her costume was made by mom, of course...


Laura said...

Wow! The model looks great! Alexis looks so pretty in her Egyptian get-up! :)