A few lessons we've recently learned:
1. Lily wanted to paint her nails today, which is a fairly regular thing in our house. Joe typically asks to get his nails painted too and I always tell him no. Today I decided to just let Lily paint his nails. I imagine most brothers at some point want to give it a whirl. Of course, I walked in on him getting his toes done too, which I had specifically said not to do. Toward the end of the toes getting done, Joe decided it was all gross and wanted it off immediately. We all know that can't happen without a photo to document it! He spent the entire time of me getting the polish off complaining and saying it hurt and was so gross. I have a feeling that will be the last time Joe ever asks to paint his nails!
2. We had strawberry shortcake for dessert last night, and in our house it is always served with whipped cream. The kids LOVE to get it sprayed into their mouths, and Ez let Evie have her first experience with it last night. She loved it, but is that a surprise?3. Since Lily's birthday fell during the week of Spring Break this year, she didn't get to bring goodies and celebrate with her friends at school. We are remedying this by bringing something in tomorrow. I have been planning her ladybug party for Saturday and came across cute little ladybug rice krispie treats that I thought would be pretty easy and cute. I got everything and started working on them and decided that instead of making tons of small little bugs that the kids would gobble in one bite and then ask for more, I would make them a bit bigger. Good idea...until it came to putting on the little ladybug heads which are now far too small for their bodies. Oh well, hopefully Lily will still think they are ladybugs, and the kids won't be too critical!
4. David, Joe and I were walking in the hall after church on Sunday. David was messing with Joe's hair--which we all love to do since his hair is so crazy! I mentioned how fun his hair is, David agreed, and I asked him if he thought it would be fun to have hair like Joe. He immediately said, "NO! I would be so embarassed!" I got a good laugh out of that one.
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