Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I hope all you moms out there had a very nice Mother's Day!

I had a nice day--Ez and and kids made me breakfast--and I truly didn't have to help out that much! I have been getting gifts from the kids all week--pretty much as soon as they bring them home from school--so it has been a nice week of coupon books and little buckets full of Hershey's kisses, plus a bouquet of cut out hands with chores and favors written on them! I have had fun feeling appreciated. Ez gave me a wonderful gift--I get to go to Time Out in Sacramento and have a day to myself in September--any of you ladies planning on attending? I am excited.

I told Ez and the kids that what I would really truly love is to have everyone get ready and decent looking for church in time for us to take a nice family photo. Things like that rarely happen around here--our Easter photos were a disaster because we attempted them after church. Anyway, it was successful (enough)! The photo I like best of everyone of course had Joe picking his nose, but there is another one that is not too bad. I should enlarge the nose picking one simply because it is just so classic to the ways of our life right now!

Well ladies, it is back to the grindstone tomorrow--no more special treatment and being fussed over! It is a great thing we love our kids and we love what we do!