Monday, July 7, 2008

A Happy 4th of July

We had a fun day of celebrating on the 4th this year. We went to our ward's pancake pincnic/Family Olympics in the morning. The food was typical, the company was fun, and the games for the Olympics were perfect for the kids!

We came home and regrouped for a few hours and then headed off to a barbecue at a friend's house and then on to downtown Vacaville for the fireworks. There is a spot near the park where a bunch of families from church meet and sit every year to watch the fireworks, so we caught up with a great group of friends there and had a great time! The fireworks show was great, and only Joe missed it out of our kids.

Joe must have been so tired from the full day of fun and play and sun--while Ez was chatting with a few friends, he had Joe up on his shoulders, and about 10 minutes later he was asleep on dad's head! It was the funniest thing--I have had my kids fall asleep in some odd places, but this was a first! I was surprised that Evie did so well--the fireworks fascinated her! She was a bit nervous about the noise and for quite a while wouldn't let go of me, but she couldn't keep her eyes off them!

All in all, a very fun holiday for the family.


The Eccles said...

we used to watch those same fireworks! I miss those days...

Laura said...

I love the pic of you and Evie looking up. So cute. I loved all the previous posts too-- Your camping trip sounds like it was great! And your "girls night!" Fun. See ya soon!

Annukka said...

Looks like you had a fun day! That is too funny about Joe falling asleep on Ez's shoulders. :)