Monday, August 4, 2008

Being Evie

Do you ever what wanders through the minds of our young children, especially infants? I have learned through my own children that it really is imposible to tell! The one thing I can tell for certain is that they are so very observant of the things we do and they copy us far more than we imagine. I love to watch my kids imitate each other.

It has been especially fun to watch Evie since she has so many kids around to copy! She has a special bond with Lily, and I find that she tends to imitate her the most. They have some pretty cute little copy cat games they play together. Here are a few pictures of Evie simply doing her version of what she sees her siblings do!

Knocking on the oven to check on the cake

Can't figure out what headband to wear? Wear a bunch!

Instead of drawing with the Aquadoodle pens, Evie has figured out they contain water and make for an excellent thirst-quencher!

Loving the goggles!